Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Here is my final song for the sytrus project. I change my mind and didn't add a guitar because it feels like I have one in every song I make so I wanted to make this one a little different. I use the riff machine to make the two patterns of the sytrus sound. For the second sytrus pattern I use something call the the ghost in the piano. The point to use the ghost is to be able to match the pattern but in a different piano window a lot faster and easier. It keeps the same beat going which over all makes the song sound better when it transfer over to the next sytrus. I think I post all my steps on how making this song and I hope it helps. Enjoy!


  1. JJ,
    The guitar sound in the beginning had a strange timbre to it- like a bad distortion setting. It was also way to loud.
    In the middle the same pattern was played quietly, and then at the end the same pattern came back loud.
    I don't hear your sytrus synths, and I don't hear AABA form.
    You also have no bass, no drums and no other parts in this loop. Why?

  2. I got drums, clap, and high hit just keeping it simple. If you read my post you would know I had no guitar. The guitar sound was the sytrus synths. AABA pattern I switch the clapping and high hit through the same pattern so it doesn't sound to long and over use but its there.

  3. I really liked the guitar riff you have there. But it did sound like you used a lot of the noise function, it sounded too destorted liek mr. Rabuse said. But i liked it over all, good job.
