Saturday, April 10, 2010

kanye west love lock down

This was my longest and hardest project by far, but it was really fun for the most part remixing it. Try many things and found what worked and what didn't worked. My first time going at the project I try to cut and past everything and just move stuff around well that didnt work so well. there where up and down to it but over all sounded really bad. Then my second time going at the project turn out to be the better remix. My first step was turning all of the bass, guitar, distortion, etc off but the lyric part. I star the song off with a synth and just build up on it. I had a mix of guitar, bass, drums, high hats, kick and synth all in the song. I made the synth come in and out to had affect to it and it had a really cool sound to it when it did. synth went through the whole song just about, I did cut it off for the guitar and bass and the spots with no music to add more affect to the guitar and bass or to add more affect to the lyrics. Everything else is kinda straight forward. Few more things though I did add a chorus and a delay to the lyrics. the delay was very very calm though. When there is no music playing it is add affect to the lyrics too. Secondly if you try or do remix songs by downloading off line make sure when the voice goes up that the music goes up too. I had a hard time with that. That alone maybe took me a total amount of class time to get it the best I can. Finally try many different things, patters, ways to remix the song etc etc till you fine the best way. There are a lot of different ways to remix a song and don't always go with your first choice, if you second guess anything try something new. Well I hope everyone enjoys the song and good luck to you if you try. Thanks

1 comment:

  1. Very good work JJ. Check out the contest winners:
